LID RETROFITS — 4 Locations
The scope of work included the construction of stormwater Low Impact Development (LID) facilities at four (4) locations within the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) right-of-way to reduce stormwater pollutants by draining to natural waters, such as creeks and rivers. These projects included the installation of bioretention areas as well as curb bumpouts and grass areas in the Washington, DC area. The work on East Beach Dr. also included porous grass paving and cellular articulating concrete (erosion control) block mats. The work on Q Street Alley included installation of permeable pavers. In addition, this project also involved the complete installation of all components of LID facilities and green alleys, such as: aggregate base course, geotextile, geogrid, waterproof membrane, soils, filter layers, underdrains, drainage structures, waterline improvements, landscaping, riprap (installation and reset of existing), and pavement improvements and restoration.
Project Significance
The purpose of the stormwater LID facilities is to capture stormwater runoff from city streets and reduce pollutants draining to creeks and rivers. There are several different types of LID citywide. Currently, untreated stormwater flows directly from pavements into waterways through the storm drain system, carrying harmful pollutants that threaten the aquatic species and make rivers unsafe for fishing and recreation. LID practices manage stormwater in small areas to reduce the surge of water and trash flowing into streams and improve water quality. LID projects primarily use bioretention either behind the curb where water flows off the streets or in curb bumpouts where water is captured from the gutter flow. Bioretention is a landscaping technique that uses layers of plants, mulch, soil, and stone to absorb and treat the stormwater. Bioretention bumpouts also function as traffic calming devices and improving pedestrian and vehicular safety.