The Normanstone Drive/Fulton Street Culvert Low Impact Improvement (LID) project will be a 4 phase project that will reconstruct Fulton Street and 34th street to Normanstone Drive and 30th street NW. The project will improve roadway condition, reduce runoff to Rock Creek, repair 7 culverts, and repair pedestrian routes.
Fort Myer is responsible for installing three bio-retention ponds, 500 feet of bio-swales with catch basins, and native plants. Resurfacing 3200 feet of roadway with the installation of guardrail at 32nd and Fulton Streets, NW, and the replacement of 111 feet of sanitary sewer line. Fort Myer also provides culvert repairs including spall repairs, crack repairs, head-cut stabilization, riprap scour protection, grout bag scour protection, and debris removal.
Project Significance
This project is part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), a statewide prioritized-funding program of transportation projects consistent with the long-range statewide transportation plan. DDOT’s STIP lists all surface transportation projects, public transit projects, and multimodal projects proposed for funding by any source including federal, local and private for regionally significant projects.