Potomac River Project A1 was the first Green Infrastructure (GI) project implemented in the Potomac River sewershed by DC Water Clean Rivers Project. The goal was to mimic natural conditions to capture, filter, and slow down stormwater runoff before entering the combined sewer system. The GI includes bioretention (rain gardens), permeable pavement, and downspout disconnections which redirects the stormwater runoff from in front of their homes to an impervious drainage area.
Our team’s responsibilities included constructing multiple GI facilities, such as bio-retention in street planters or curb extensions, permeable pavement in alleys and parking lanes, and subsurface storage beneath sidewalks and roads that reduced combined sewer overflows by managing 1.2” of stormwater runoff from at least 15 to 29 impervious acres.
Project Significance
This project was just one of the projects included in the Clean Rivers Project to reduce combined sewer overflows into the District’s waterways – the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers, and Rock Creek. The Clean Rivers project is a massive infrastructure and support program designed to capture and clean water during heavy rainfalls before it ever reaches our rivers.