This WSSC contract replaced or relocated approximately 100 feet of 16” water main, 1,900 feet of 12-inch water main, 1,930 feet of 10” water main, 11,835 feet of 8” water main, 1,220 feet of 4” water main, and 6,720 feet of water house connection to serve Jones Bridge Road, Manor Road, Kerry road and various streets in the North Chevy Chase area of Montgomery County, MD.
Project Significance
WSSC is an important client for our utility division and we are proud of the service we are able to provide to Maryland residents. FMCC is committed to meeting or exceeding Small, Local, and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) goals and make several efforts to include qualified subcontractors. On this contract, we were able to ensure 20% of the contract went to one WSSC-Approved SLMBE firm. This business helped with excavations, material handling, clearing, and some water main repair and house connection work.